Clearly God is at work in A’s life as she continues to learn and memorize and absorb both info and experiences of God’s faithfulness, ranging from provision of a friend in her new location to quality family time during her travels. And in O’s life, I see God clearly as stories of school and co-workers unfold with direct and demonstrative answers to prayer. I love being in God’s audience!

Many thanks, too, to those who not only prayed for our fundraising via the obstacle-focused Spartan Race, but who also participated in the effort. Together with the girls’ donations, God brought $589 to this cause, which we destined for the following items through Compassion International: chickens, goats, vegetable seeds and the education on how to manage each; sewing workshops, Bibles and textbooks; emergency food for malnourished children; and help with the Global Food Crisis. We much appreciate your prayers and generosity!

Much prayer also went into our trip to Rome, in part due to my misgivings about it. After four days in the eternal city, we returned home, healthy and happy. Lighter one wallet, but filled with memories, and thankful for God’s protection. Ristorante dei Musei – a cultural and personal experience that’s worth a trip to Rome!!

For months we’ve asked for prayer for clear direction. While we still petition for “clear,” we believe we have some direction and begin to move that way even while seeking solid confirmation.

Just a normal view out of an Austrian hotel, right?

Token picture in the colosseum. Yes, Zoe is taller than Mommy now, by a good bit!