How fast relationships form varies directly with how mobile people are. In highly mobile military communities, friendships form at “mach” speed. In the stable south, they come much, much slower. Here in New Jersey at the end of just three months, we recognize God’s hand moving in many relationships between us and church folks to develop great depth in such a short time. Only He could prepare the hearts for this to happen and we thank Him for it.

He’s also brought more children and youth to the church, and inspired some moms and dads to ask for a family-friendly Wednesday night program, which we’ll begin in January. He is beginning to answer your prayers for the Word to be established in the hearts and minds of young folks. Please keep them going!

On the camp front, Donna was invited to speak at the Association of Cedarbrook Camp’s national conference. She shared the leadership program she wrote last year and taught over the summer. The presentation led to an invitation to write other staff training classes for the Association. We’d much appreciate your joining with us in asking for guidance for her future involvement in camp. There is always plenty to do, especially with a family and a church, so she is waiting for His word that this is something He wants her to do.

Other requests for intersession mount: As former missionaries, we were able to encourage a younger family who is passionate about missions to the unreached. The legacy of the family of God continues. Lord, please strengthen and guide Noah and Noelle as they begin this journey! And looking forward, our church sets up a life-size nativity scene on the lawn this weekend for the local commuters and neighbors to enjoy, but more importantly to turn their thoughts toward Jesus as they pass by. Lord, draw them into the church (not just past it) and let them receive You.

We do continue to pray for you, so please tell us how to sharpen our aim!

The church…and our house is just behind that little forest, out of the picture to the right.