Three quarters of a century! We celebrated with Donna’s mother and aunt, identical twins, their birthday marking 75 years. Impressive!

Just up the hill from our house, at the church, Wednesday evening Life Night kicked off in mid January and has received positive feedback. Together with the morning men’s and women’s groups, we’re thankful to see people seizing the opportunities to get to know one another better and to be together in God’s Word more.

Praise God also for a set of 13 year old twins who were baptized last month, and for the 10 new members inducted at the January membership meeting. Exciting beginnings!

In a small church, covering all the necessary tasks can be a challenge, so we’ve enjoyed the front row seats to watch how God has been raising up folks to step into a wide variety of roles. While we continue to pray that God would bring in the outsiders living around us, we are excited to see the body beginning to function as a body, and to hear feedback from visitors about how welcomed they felt.

We so appreciate your praying and praising alongside us for each of these areas. Please pray also for specific individual needs for several of our members, as life at the moment is exceptionally challenging for them, as many of you know it can be. Thank you for praying, and for the words of encouragement many of you have sent! May you also see the Master Artist at work in your corner of creation. And as usual, please let us know how we can pray for you – it is our privilege!

Celebrating Mom and Aunt Dorothy’s 75th birthday, Douglass style.